Monday, July 2, 2007

First Adventure!

Sorry I haven't written before now. It's really busy here. I've been hanging out with all the idle buddies who are waiting for hosts. Boy, they are a fun bunch! Last Saturday we spent the whole day hunting an entire series of letterboxes about The Simpsons. Apparently, since this is Springfield and the Simpsons TV show is set in "Springfield", there is a big competition throughout the country to see which Springfield will be voted on to be the city where the premier of a Simpsons movie will debut. Right now at the public library there is a giant couch with the whole Simpson family sitting on it so you can have your picture taken with them. (They are all plastic, of course.) There were 12 letterboxes all over town, but we could only find 11 of them because one of them was hidden in a place that is currently ripped up with destruction...I mean construction crews. We had fun searching for all of those boxes!

My favorite hunt was the Stewart's Pond box. We never did find that box, but had a good romp through a field as we got caught in a summer down pour and were soaked through to our skin. I didn't mind a bit, but some of the "littles" (as Mrs. AMEEBZ calls the littler kids) didn't like it much. The most exciting thing happened on that hunt! We were walking along the trail in the rain trying to find the missing box when Mrs. AMEEBZ told everyone to "Stop......freeze!" She had spotted a deer grazing up ahead. We decided to inch closer for a better look and when the deer didn't seem too bothered by us we thought we'd play a little game and see how close we could get to her before she ran away. We got a lot closer than I thought we were going to be able to. It was very exciting and I had to have lots of self-control so I wouldn't go screaming across the field just to give the deer a good chase! Boy, was that hard.

It's been very fun here, but I'm not looking forward to tomorrow. That's the day that the rest of the buddies are leaving to go out to their host families. It's also the day we have to drive barlowgirl to the airport in Portland so she can fly to Colorado and visit her cousins. It makes me a little homesick. It might be time for me to come back home soon just for a visit and to show you all the cool stamps I got. Anyway, here are some pictures for you. I will be bringing home a postcard from Oregon too. It's pretty here. Nice and green.

Well, guess I'd better go to bed now. I really like Hungry Peanut. He lets me snuggle with him at night.

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